what we are made of

Our Unwavering Commitment

CurbCutOS is more than just a company; we're a passionate team of disabled-led accessibility advocates with over 29 years of combined experience. Since 2019 our unwavering commitment to people with disabilities has fueled our drive to create digital experiences that empower, inspire, and include everyone.

Breaking Barriers, Building Connections

To break barriers and challenge the norm we must be willing to be the catalyst for change.

We tirelessly help organizations bridge the accessibility divide, creating digital experiences that connect people with disabilities to the world around them. Together, we can make the web a more welcoming place for everyone.

Our Values

How Our Hearts Beat

Our core values are more than just words; they're the guiding principles that define us, what we stand for, and how we approach accessibility. By embodying these principles, we're creating a culture of empathy, and excellence–because accessibility is like the party where everyone's invited, no matter how they dance, what they wear, we celebrate together.

Walk in Their Shoes

Sometimes, a rock finds its way into our shoes, making each step increasingly difficult. When clients come to us frustrated, confused, or concerned, we guide them with empathy humanity, and help them remove the rock.

Excel at the Little Things

We always strive to deliver exceptional customer experiences. It is vital that we honor our promise. Still, we pay attention to the little things–that extra detail or gesture that makes an experience exceptional.

Perform Your Best to Empty Seats

The greatest performers are extraordinary, performing to a crowd of 5,000 or 5 smiling faces. We do the right thing without an audience to keep us honest because our integrity and conscience will do that for us.

Meeting People Where they Are

Some customers have accessibility knowledge, while others know very little. We meet them exactly where they are to understand and help pave a clear path from where they are today to where they need to go.

Joining Forces to Crush Digital Barriers

At CurbCutOS, we're not just creating accessible experiences; we're forging partnerships that drive seismic shifts. By collaborating with our allies, we're creating an accessibility ripple effect that'll make waves in every corner of the digital world. Every partnership brings us one step closer to a barrier-free future!

The Future: Advancing Accessibility

We refuse to rest on our laurels–no way. Our SaaS platform* is a living thing, continuously transforming to tackle digital accessibility challenges head-on.

View our Solution

The Word is Getting Out!

From thought-provoking interviews to insightful articles, the press is taking notice of CurbCutOS's innovative approach to digital accessibility. Read a recent feature!

In the Media

Create Change with Us

We believe that everyone has the power to create change. If you're part of an organization looking to prioritize accessibility get started today and let's create change together.

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